Anonymous: Message To World Leaders


„Greetings citizens of the world,

This is a message to the various men and women of “power” who claim the positions of national leaders & government officials. Enough! It’s long past time to stop playing the blame game. This pointless bickering is doing nothing but tearing our species apart!

You claim to be leaders, yet you fail to lead when we need leaders the most. Globally we are heading in some very dangerous directions, we are on courses that will lead to the senseless deaths of innocent people. Courses that could easily be altered towards peace, deaths so simply avoided.

You claim to be looking out for your citizens, yet you so readily send them off to war. Young men and women are sent to kill each other in the name of their countries, and for what? For vengeance? So you can have a moment of satisfaction before you come to your senses and realize how much you’ve lost in your bloodlust?

We’re all upset when something bad happens, especially when it’s a pointless loss of life. However that doesn’t justify more senseless loss of life by our hands in response! All these pointless wars, so many lives lost over thousands of years. All over a sliver of a tiny blue dot… Do you even comprehend the magnitude of what you’re doing?

Humanity has the opportunity to expand well beyond the boundaries of this world. The universe is ever expanding, and it’s resources are vast. You can either see to it that we all die on this rock, or that we prosper as a species in this universe. The choice is yours.

One thing is certain, if this pointless fighting doesn’t stop, more innocent lives are inevitably going to be loss, and their deaths will be on your hands. You have a choice right now to really prove you’re the leaders you claim to be, to put the citizens before your own comforts and desires, to promote the unity of our species rather than the division of our planet. These are your brothers and sisters, do not condemn them to fight your battles and NEVER forget them.

We are Anonymous,
We are Legion,
We can Forgive,
Though we shall Never Forget,
Expect us!”


Susține Anonimus.roDacă te regăsești și crezi, sprijină activitatea și presa liberă și independentă! Nu suntem finanțați de partide sau companii, nu avem interese politice sau economice, ADEVĂRUL ESTE SINGURUL NOSTRU SCOP!


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